Product carousels

The WebSell e-commerce platform offers a robust Product Carousel feature with a wide range of capabilities. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to use this feature:

Creating and editing carousels:

  1. Access carousel builder:
    • To create or edit carousels, log in to your WebStore Manager.
    • Navigate to 'Design & Content' and select 'Carousel Builder.'

Creating new carousels:

  1. Name your carousel:
    • Enter a name for your new carousel. Names must begin with a letter and contain no spaces.
    • The carousel name is distinct from the displayed title, which is controlled through the options tab.
    • The carousel name will be used when inserting the carousel into a template.
    • Click 'Create.'
  2. Note: Carousel names can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores and must be at least 3 characters long.

Editing a pre-existing carousel:

  1. Select a carousel:
    • Choose a carousel from the drop-down menu.
    • The platform provides pre-generated carousels suitable for most stores.
    • Select 'Edit.'

Populating carousels:

The WebSell platform offers seven methods for populating your carousels:

  1. Manually add products:

    • Hand-pick items from your store and add them to the carousel.
    • Products can come from any department, category, theme, or brand.
    • You can preview your carousel by clicking 'Carousel Preview.'
  2. Populate by rule:

    • Create rule sets that filter products based on criteria.
    • Each rule restricts the products visible in the carousel.
    • The more rules you add, the fewer products the carousel displays.
    • Configure rules by selecting a field, operator, and value.
  3. Populate by images:

    • Create image slideshows for your store.
    • Upload images in JPG or PNG format with recommended dimensions of 1920px by 600px.
    • Customize slide titles, descriptions, button text, and URLs.
    • Arrange, edit, and delete slides as needed.
  4. Populate by history:

    • Display products that were frequently bought together based on historic purchase data.
    • This carousel is suitable for product pages and relies on purchase history data.
  5. Populate by related discounts:

    • This carousel appears on product pages and displays items with similar discounts.
    • To use it, copy the provided code into a template.
    • Products must be assigned to a custom field for the carousel to populate.

Carousel options:

Configure your carousel's appearance and behavior with these options:

  • Title: The name displayed above the carousel on your store.
  • Max Carousel Length: The maximum number of items the carousel will display.
  • Items: The number of products shown at any given time.
  • AutoPlay: Enables automatic carousel sliding.
  • Navigation and Navigation Text: Add buttons under the carousel and customize their text.

Adding a carousel to a template:

To incorporate a carousel into a template, copy the provided code into your chosen template. The JavaScript managing the carousel is handled by the WebSell platform. Ensure the carousel name is enclosed in double quotes.

Special values in rule-Based carousels:

When populating a rule-based carousel, the 'Value' input will adapt when you select criteria like Item Department, Item Category, Item Brand, or Item Theme from the 'Field' menu. Be cautious when using special values like "From this department," "From this category," "From this brand," and "From this theme." These values restrict carousel content based on the current page, and their effectiveness varies depending on page context.