Non-inventory item type

Non-inventory (services/labor) items won’t show up on the website unless you implement a Spoof Stock feature to manage such products.

Spoof Stock 

"Spoofs" (that is, fakes) the stock level for such items as non-inventory items.

To achieve it, you will need to add a PAM field, so you can mark which items it would apply to and a set value would be displayed on the store.

By using an attribute in PAM, the stock will be 0 for non inventory in DB, but you will be able to fake it on the website by using this attribute.

 Set Up of the Spoof Stock feature

  1. In WebSell PAM, select Attributes, then Add New Attribute.
  2. For Attribute Name, specify SpoofWebStock. For Type, select Checkbox(true/false).
  3.  Click OK. The newly added field is now displayed as a new column in PAM.
  4. Enter true in the SpoofWebStock column for each item that you want to show as in stock (even though it's not actually in stock).

In WebSell Sync, add a new field mapping, as follows:

  1. In Websell Sync Configuration, under Advanced, select Field Mappings.
  2. Expand the Item table, right-click the product_stock field, then select Properties.
  3. For Field Source, specify the following:


CASE WHEN  SpoofWebStock = 1 THEN 10 ELSE quantity-quantitycommitted END


CASE WHEN  SpoofWebStock > 0 THEN SpoofWebStockELSE (In_Stock - UnProcessedQuantity)END

4. Click Validate, then OK, then re-synchronize your WebStore.

Your WebStore now displays non-inventory items with the PAM attribute SpoofWebStock set to true.